
Friday 27 September 2013

Spulleng Mostukes

Talking about publicising archaeology (which I was), I received today the draft publicity material for my own excavation programme, which is referred to in all correspondence as the Big Dig. It’s not very original I know (and plenty of other institutions have a 'Big dig', but ours, as the Durotriges Project Big Dig, tends to get referred to in short-hand terms as DPBD (or just plain DBD) - which, for some unaccountable reason, always makes me smile).
Well, either because of my own Dyslexia, or my clumsy fingered typing or thanks to some arcane version of Spell-Check, the publicity material has arrived with the catchy (and indeed very memorable) headline:

"Come Join us next Summer on the Big Dog"

The mind boggles


  1. Sign me up sign me up! I want a go on the big dog. Can I can I? Please!

    1. Sorry, we no longer have access to the Big Dog for the 2014 season. We do however possess a Big Pig. Will this do?

  2. Do u have a big frog?

  3. Or a big frog in a wig?
